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I was wondering if you'd ever do a school-is-hell part 2 for your patreon. I know I'd susbscribe for that!

anybody know where i can download this?

Hi, you should be able to download it right here in Itch. If that doesn’t work, here is a direct download link for the game on

omg thanks 


I enjoyed this very much :)


ever thought of making a number 2?

A sequel would be something to ask Outlands about!

Do you have a downloadable version?

You should be able to download it right here in!



I don't see any download links

Not sure why you are not seeing download links as there have been downloads of the game recently. You can use this download key if you want to download the game:


So, just curious. Is there plans for a toggle on the new enforced nudity, like an option whether that feature is activated or not?

Not sure what you mean I’m afraid, but the answer is no. This game is complete and there are no plans to extend it.

What a shame, and what I meant was in the original the 100% nudity from the outset was not mandatory like this mod. Was hoping there would of been a option to select whether you had the no clothing enforced or the way clothing was handled in the original.

I see. Outlands and I talked about how to handle nudity in the mod and we decided the easiest way was to enforce it at the start of the game. That saved us having to write two different versions of all the scenes.


This has to be one of the best I have played. I want to say thank you to the Creator for such an amazing adventure you took me on with this game.


Shame this is all there is.  I was really looking forward to future scenes with Tyler when the school was saved.  Of course, Zamiel's demon servants (the werewolf and the imp specifically) would've been fun too if this continued in Hell.  Although, to be fair, continuing the story in Hell would be a HUGE task (especially if it was made into an RPG style game like was originally planned).  However, a new school covertly influenced by Hellish denizens that didn't return to Hell when the old school was taken could allow for a continuation roughly the same as this one.  Really, the main character could be slowly made into a character called on by several places (not just schools) to help with a demon problem literally making it a career culiminating into being pulled into hell by the seven Princes like the original continuation.  Sorry, my mind wandered. :)  Needless to say, I enjoyed this (especially the corrections and bug fixes from the original).

it isn't working


Do you have any plans of making a School is Hellish 2?


Sadly not! 


What if I cry, plead, and summon demons?

(1 edit) (+2)

This is one of the best damn games ive played on here! I have a question, though. Are you the person who's making the second game, or is someone else? And is it still being updated on

The second game is abandoned. You can show your support to the author Outlands on Twitter or Discord though!

Deleted 3 years ago

I don’t think he does. He is on Twitter and Discord if you want to reach out to him!


Uploaded the file again today, as I'm not seeing a Download button on the game page. But downloads appear to be working. No new changes, current build is v1.1.1.

Just a question, why does the "School is hellish 2" link not work? I keep pressing play and jack is happening?

(2 edits)

Hi THECHPOTLE, thanks for letting me know about this. It's fixed in v1.1.1 which I have just uploaded to Itch. 

The cause of this is that School is Hell 2 is externally hosted, so it can't be played within The in-game link should now open in a new browser tab, where you can play School is Hell 2 (btw, it's VERY incomplete). Here's the link again:

NB:, which hosts School is Hell 2, is available as a static version of the site only. You may want to download that game in case the owner ever decides to shut down the site entirely.

(2 edits) (+7)

I understand you improved on an original game & this is actually good. I also played the original to compare. But there are parts where I felt like I was forced to do things, like sacrificing specifically hairy men otherwise there won't be a way forward. Also there were more scenarios where I can only top(I'm not) & if I choose to bottom it's game over like the shower scene so I just skipped them...

Anyways in the end it was fun, and I could see that if it was really fully developed, it would be rich in content and even more fun. I would love if there was "developing relationships" section or wtv but I understand it's only at early stage.

I also played "Escape from forest" by that developer & its also cool even if short. Sorry for long post lol :3


This is so good, the way you right everything is gold I love it

Thank you! Most of the writing is by Outlands, check out his work if you enjoyed it! There’s an Outlands Discord community as well.